Important Tips for buying a Moissanite Ring


Moissanite, a very popular as well as a precious gem was found in the year of 1893 in the deserts of Arizona. It was made of silicon carbide and was discovered by a Noble Prize-winning scientist Mr. Henry Moissan and the gem was also named after him later on. Initially, he was mistaken and considered it as diamonds. But after some researches, it was found to be different and later on named to be Moissanite. Moissanite Rings are way too beautiful and in recent days, are widely accepted as wedding and engagement rings. Based on some surveys conducted on the engagement rings over the last few years, it is considered to be one of the highest-selling non-diamond stones. Even on the Mohs scale of hardness, Moissanite is found to be ranging between 9 to 9.25 ratings. This is one of the vital reasons and core competencies of Moissanite that ensures that it is absolutely suitable for daily wear and its durability is also gaining a lot of confidence if compared to that of diamond and various other alternatives of it.

Previously, choosing the right ring for your engagement or wedding used to be a very easy task because only the design and the color used to be taken into consideration. But in recent years, it has become tough because a lot of things need to be taken into consideration before buying the best Moissanite Rings. For instance, how and where to buy the ring, the best engagement or the wedding ring, etc.

Essential Tips for Purchasing a Moissanite Ring:

A few of the essential tips that need to be taken into account so that you can purchase the right Moissanite Ring for any of the occasions are as follows:

  1. Always appreciable if you are being able to choose a Unique Design:

Everyone wants to buy the most beautiful Moissanite Ring, be it for their fiancée, wife, or husband. To ensure the same, it is always appreciable if you can think out of the box and choose a unique one since it is a token of love as well as appreciation.

  1. It is important to consider the 4 C’s of the Ring:

Whenever you are going to purchase a ring, be it for any of the occasions, you always need to consider the 4 C’s of the ring. It is very much important to be taken into consideration to make the right choice. The 4 C’s are as follows:

  • Cut
  • Color
  • Clarity
  • Carat
  1. The size doesn’t matter at all:

Whenever you are purchasing a ring, especially in case of engagement or wedding, the size is the least that matters. The quality and the choice are the ones that always matters the most.

  1. Try to know the history of the Gem:

Most of the gems have a very rich history related to its discovery and origin. To make your purchase worth, you should always try to know the history of the gem that is used in the ring. For instance, Moissanite was discovered in the year of 1893 by Dr. Moissan.

  1. It should always be the best wedding or engagement ring for your husband or wife:

Based on your love and affection, you are gifting a ring with a very prestigious gem to your husband or wife. It should always be a classy one and it is always encouraged to seek suggestions from the jeweler so that you also get a chance to have a look at the best designs and colors and purchase the best one out of those.

  1. Custom feels are praiseworthy:

In the recent years, custom feels are given much importance than the traditional and the readymade ones. Also, in case you know a jewelry designer, it is always appreciable to seek his or her suggestions.

  1. Prices don’t matter:

The priority is always to be given to the quality and choice rather than the price of the ring. The main reason behind it is that since these rings are luxury items, people do not buy them quite often.

  1. You shouldn’t go alone for purchasing a ring:

Because shopping an engagement or a wedding ring is always considered to be a very daunting task, you should always take your friend with you who has a taste of your choice to make a good purchase.

Emerald Cut Moissanite Engagement Ring #GTJ3899-emerald-fo-y-set | Gerry  The Jeweler

Reasons that make Moissanite Rings a good purchase:

  1. Affordable Price:

One of the most important reasons that are directly responsible for the increase in demand for Moissanite Rings is that its affordable price that easily fits in your budget. On the other hand, the prices of diamonds are increasing each day and there is no guarantee whether it would last for a long time or not. People buying diamonds from reputed brands are also left with the tension that how long it would last. Therefore, it is one of the reasons for Moissanites becoming so much popular and a lot of people do believe that the meaning behind the gifting is of much importance rather than its price.

  1. Variety of Colors:

The second most important reason why a lot of people choose Moissanite over diamonds and its other alternatives is that it comes in a variety of shades. It has a variety of shades ranges from white to a tinge of yellow and green and all of them are easily available in the markets.

  1. Moissanites ensure love at first sight:

Lastly, the Moissanite Rings would make you feel romantic. Its beautiful shades carry an amazing appeal to make you fall in love with them. It also portrays a sign of luxury and elegance. Overall, it would surely give you a vintage as well as a romantic feeling.

Therefore, buying a ring is surely one of the toughest jobs in today’s world. But, keeping in mind the above-mentioned points, you would surely be able to buy the best and the most beautiful Moissanite Ring for your loved ones. In recent years, with the increase in its demand, it is also considered to be a good investment and people have started appreciating it a lot.

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