Parents Be Warned – Not All Anime Is for Children


Animation fans span all age groups and genders. Whether you prefer Western-style animation or Japanese anime and manga, there is something for everyone. With that said, it is important for parents to understand that not all anime is for children. Anime is the hottest thing in media right now, but consumers have to be careful about content.

Anime fans are familiar with the five most common forms of the genre. According to Umaiclothing, makers of original anime artwork, apparel, and accessories, the five forms are:

  • Shónen
  • Seinen
  • Shójo
  • Josei
  • Kodomomuke

They are designated according to the ages of their target audiences. For example, Kodomomuke is intended for kids eight and under. Shónen and Shójo are intended for kids between the ages of eight and fifteen or sixteen. Once you branch into Seinen and Josei, you are looking at anime produced for audiences between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.

These more mature forms of anime can delve into some pretty dark subjects. Understand that one of one of the most appealing aspects of anime is its realism. Stories and themes are less fantasy and more reality. So in a series dealing with romantic relationships, it would not be unusual to delve into topics like infidelity and reckless sexual behavior.

More mature forms of anime can also be violent. Given that action and adventure are central themes in anime, there is plenty of opportunity to push the violence envelope. Adults can generally handle it; kids, not so much.

● Anime as Adult Entertainment

Underscoring the idea that not all anime is for kids is the reality that some of it is produced as adult entertainment. Two particular types of anime stand out here: Ecchi and Hentai. Both would be considered erotic at the very least. Hentai is often considered downright pornographic.

Ecchi is the softer version of the two forms. It deals with adult themes but without shying away from eroticism. It explores both conventional and non-conventional relationships in a way that is meant to reflect societal norms.

Hentai is a lot closer to traditional pornography but presented through animation. It delves into all of those things that society tries to keep behind closed doors. It is definitely not for everyone, that’s for sure. No parent with a clear head would want children exposed to Hentai.

● Know What Your Kids Are Watching

Despite some anime not being appropriate for children, there is still a lot of great stuff out there. Most of the major streaming providers are ramping up their anime content as quickly as they can. Film studios are pushing out new pieces at a fairly brisk rate. Even advertisers are getting in on the game, developing TV and streaming spots presented in the anime format.

There is plenty of good, clean anime fun to be had. Parents just have to be careful about what their kids are watching. Are your kids anime fans? Do you know what types of films and series they normally enjoy? If you are not sure, now is as good a time as any to change that. Sit down and watch with them. Get to know what their tastes and preferences are. And if you find something that is inappropriate, address it.

Not all anime is suitable for children. The same is true for Western animation. There are some pretty rough animated series that parents do not want their children watching. In fact, this is true of all sorts of media. What’s the lesson here? To pay attention. Know what is going on so that you can control what influences your children.

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